is better to attemp to be intelligent than prove with rude words to have lost it completely, i'm simone from rome (italy) and i do not know Paul - Michel, i'm sorry. My quotation of Kant was only a pure intellectual provocation, 'cause i have perceived a sense embarrassment that i didn't meant to create. I'm here only to enjoy our shared passion. Thanks for your welcome wibble, i really can't stand your no-sense irascibility, it's makes me very uncofortable.
is better to attemp to be intelligent than prove with rude words to have lost it completely, i'm simone from rome (italy) and i do not know Paul - Michel, i'm sorry. My quotation of Kant was only a pure intellectual provocation, 'cause i have perceived a sense embarrassment that i didn't meant to create. I'm here only to enjoy our shared passion. Thanks for your welcome wibble, i really can't stand your no-sense irascibility, it's makes me very uncofortable.