So after my anti-clockwise lap of Richmond Park last night, I decided to try riding back to Wimbledon station on the fixed.
So, flipped the flip-flop over to the flip side (or is it the flip side), and jumped on.
First off, had a bit of trouble getting into my second clip (ride clip + strap) - I'm used to starting off then engaging the second whilst coasting. Trying to catch the pedal and get into the clip was slightly tricking when the pedals won't stop moving.
Once I was in and going, I was fully expecting some sort of epiphany and that my life would be changed forever.
Unfortunately, I hated it. I didn't feel like I was in command of the bike - why should I have to move my legs when going downhill? If I stop at lights, readjusting my pedal position is a faff, not to mention getting back into the pedals again. I love pushing a single gear, but having to push it ALL OF THE TIME? No thanks.
In thought I must have been doing something wrong, judging by the mystic experiences I've heard and read about riding fixed, "feeling more connected", "more pure experience" etc. But maybe I just like coasting too much
Anyone else tried it and loathed it? Am I just a wrongun? Can I be saved?
So after my anti-clockwise lap of Richmond Park last night, I decided to try riding back to Wimbledon station on the fixed.
So, flipped the flip-flop over to the flip side (or is it the flip side), and jumped on.
First off, had a bit of trouble getting into my second clip (ride clip + strap) - I'm used to starting off then engaging the second whilst coasting. Trying to catch the pedal and get into the clip was slightly tricking when the pedals won't stop moving.
Once I was in and going, I was fully expecting some sort of epiphany and that my life would be changed forever.
Unfortunately, I hated it. I didn't feel like I was in command of the bike - why should I have to move my legs when going downhill? If I stop at lights, readjusting my pedal position is a faff, not to mention getting back into the pedals again. I love pushing a single gear, but having to push it ALL OF THE TIME? No thanks.
In thought I must have been doing something wrong, judging by the mystic experiences I've heard and read about riding fixed, "feeling more connected", "more pure experience" etc. But maybe I just like coasting too much
Anyone else tried it and loathed it? Am I just a wrongun? Can I be saved?