• #2
Rider's bike: Black geared hybrid, "Ridgeback", flat bar with a wide black "comfy" saddle. Bike looks >5 years old.
Rider's helmet: Red. No injured parties at the scene.
PCSO at scene told me that the rider was "seriously injured but alive". PCSO wouldn't tell me anymore.
Looks like an accident between bus in the main lane of traffic and the rider caught between the bus and any traffic that may have been in the bus lane heading towards Shoreditch High St. Contraflow is in operation while pol-is calculate what happened.
As always, thoughts go out to the cyclist and any other injured parties.
• #3
Thats a sketchy bit of road down there, fucking stupid pedestrians everywhere, hope the rider is ok.
• #4
^^^^ The City-boys are total eidjits when it comes to road awareness and/or keeping out from under the front wheel of your bike. And often get leary when you shout a warning at them. I avoid the City where I can. It makes me stressed just being there.
Hope the rider is back in the saddle again soon. Positive thoughts.
• #5
Shit day to be indoors
hope he/she heals up quick and Wisens TFU
• #6
cassin is a member on here who seems to work in A&E/trauma @ Royal london. Observed a young lady was brought in today after being hit by a bus on Bishopsgate...
We are everywhere
• #7
....fight club........
• #8
Oi! What's rule #1?!?
• #9
Hi, I was the rider down on Bishopsgate on 29th May.
I came across this thread whilst surfing and was quite moved that there are people out there keeping an eye on things.
I can't really go into detail about what happened as things are still ongoing, just wanted to say that I'm still around and on the mend.
If there is anyone out there who witnessed the accident I'd be really grateful if they could get in touch.
Thanks. -
• #10
Great news that you're recovering. All the best. Keep us updated as and when you can. After all the crap that we see, it's nice to be given some hope.
• #11
indeed, good luck
• #12
Heal fully and quickly.
• #13
hope you are healing well and the police are on the case for you.
• #14
Good news, palaeobore, and best of success with clearing things up!
• #15
Glad to hear you're healing up - Good luck with the case
• #16
Hey, hope you get things sorted and healing up nice!
• #17
Sorry to jump on this but I'm a newbie who can't create posts yet. I saw a girl get hit by a bus today Westminster Bridge Road j/w Waterloo Road. She was in a bad way. I left my details with the police who quickly arrived. Anyone know what has happened to her? I'm dreading that she is not OK
• #18
Sorry to jump on this but I'm a newbie who can't create posts yet. I saw a girl get hit by a bus today Westminster Bridge Road j/w Waterloo Road. She was in a bad way. I left my details with the police who quickly arrived. Anyone know what has happened to her? I'm dreading that she is not OK
Yeah, I saw that too. Didn't see much of a person who was riding that black bicycle, apart of feet in the ambulance, before medics shut the doors. Bike was still lying in the middle of the road, rear wheel was completely mangled, twisted 90 degrees. Hope the rider is ok.
That's where it happened:
Opposite the RBOS building, the lanes heading north are cordoned off and there are lots of police, ambulances etc. There is a bike lying on the pavement, but it is not mangled.
Not sure what happened. Anyone?