I just read the results of the survey about subscription etc. and that for now donations are the way to go. I thought I'll put in my 2p in respect to the 'fuzzy feeling...'
So my story is simple. I ride a fixed gear for few months and love it. I have registered, read few bits and pieces but did not contribute. I just didn't think that I have something to say worth reading (present post excepted...)
Few weeks ago I decided to sell one of my fixies (a Pearson Touche) - having 'upgraded' to a new and shiny one. I then discovered that I cannot start a post - as I am a newbie. OK, I thought, that a shame.. So now I need to post 5 messages just to 'qualify'... It is a nice idea, to 'push' people to become active members, and maybe this is a way to avoid spam, but I still didn't want to do it JUST to qualify.
So here is my idea: How about upgrading a newbie to a 'full member' status upon receipt of a minimum donation (say £5)? After all, spammers are not likely to pay for that and for members like myself it has a double advantage: We contribute to the site financially and we gain the freedom to open a discussion when we want to.
I realise that for existing members this is not an incentive - but I don't see the downside of it.
I just read the results of the survey about subscription etc. and that for now donations are the way to go. I thought I'll put in my 2p in respect to the 'fuzzy feeling...'
So my story is simple. I ride a fixed gear for few months and love it. I have registered, read few bits and pieces but did not contribute. I just didn't think that I have something to say worth reading (present post excepted...)
Few weeks ago I decided to sell one of my fixies (a Pearson Touche) - having 'upgraded' to a new and shiny one. I then discovered that I cannot start a post - as I am a newbie. OK, I thought, that a shame.. So now I need to post 5 messages just to 'qualify'... It is a nice idea, to 'push' people to become active members, and maybe this is a way to avoid spam, but I still didn't want to do it JUST to qualify.
So here is my idea: How about upgrading a newbie to a 'full member' status upon receipt of a minimum donation (say £5)? After all, spammers are not likely to pay for that and for members like myself it has a double advantage: We contribute to the site financially and we gain the freedom to open a discussion when we want to.
I realise that for existing members this is not an incentive - but I don't see the downside of it.
Any thoughts?