We need to be careful here Elvis - because you don't want to get into any strengthening exercises just yet - before you get your knee looked at.
We use patellofrmoral syndrome as an "umbrella" term to diagnose the location of the injury. Numerous structures here could be the cause, due to either weakness or dominance.
A few tests need to be done to test the integrity of the structures, and to see the tracking of the kneecap, but it can't hurt to keep mobile, but maybe not on the bike (due to forceful extension on a flexed knee).
Get it looked at soon, so that "compensatory" movements are lessened. If i was down your way - i'd be more than happy....
We need to be careful here Elvis - because you don't want to get into any strengthening exercises just yet - before you get your knee looked at.
We use patellofrmoral syndrome as an "umbrella" term to diagnose the location of the injury. Numerous structures here could be the cause, due to either weakness or dominance.
A few tests need to be done to test the integrity of the structures, and to see the tracking of the kneecap, but it can't hurt to keep mobile, but maybe not on the bike (due to forceful extension on a flexed knee).
Get it looked at soon, so that "compensatory" movements are lessened. If i was down your way - i'd be more than happy....