Be careful when you're making your own sodium hydroxide bath, don't put too much NaOH and you won't have a part any more. Or indeed a bucket. And whatever was underneath will probably be in bad shape as well. And don't leave the solution in the bucket after you've finished!! Well at least not if the bucket is also made of aluminium.
Also, I don't recommend using warm or hot water with it, unless you like not being able to see or breathe. :)
Be careful when you're making your own sodium hydroxide bath, don't put too much NaOH and you won't have a part any more. Or indeed a bucket. And whatever was underneath will probably be in bad shape as well. And don't leave the solution in the bucket after you've finished!! Well at least not if the bucket is also made of aluminium.
Also, I don't recommend using warm or hot water with it, unless you like not being able to see or breathe. :)