From memory, it's probably more than a millimetre for the inner chainring. So it'll depend in part on how you mount your chainring (you dirty whore), i.e. if you go on the inside or outside of the spider. A 101 mm bb will presumably move the chain ring in 0.5 mm anyway which is, even by gnat's cock standards, miniscule.
I reckon it'll be fine. But I'm always optimistic on these things. :-)
From memory, it's probably more than a millimetre for the inner chainring. So it'll depend in part on how you mount your chainring (you dirty whore), i.e. if you go on the inside or outside of the spider. A 101 mm bb will presumably move the chain ring in 0.5 mm anyway which is, even by gnat's cock standards, miniscule.
I reckon it'll be fine. But I'm always optimistic on these things. :-)