OK, So I've got a researcher for BBC News asking for assistance:
I'm doing some research about ghost bikes.. I'd like to make a tv report about the tributes I've seen around London. I work for BBC News. Can you help by telling me a bit more about them? Or can you suggest someone else for me to get in touch with?
I've hit up Greasy already but I think he's busy as she's looking for a quickish turnaround.
Would anyone else like to talk to her and give her whatever info she needs.
I'm particularly keen to see those who have helped out get recognition, and put across why it's important, hence my asking here. However if you feel that you can explain it all to someone else sensitively and balancing issues, then you'll be good too.
Please PM me with your email address and your phone number and I'll connect you and the BBC girl.
OK, So I've got a researcher for BBC News asking for assistance:
I've hit up Greasy already but I think he's busy as she's looking for a quickish turnaround.
Would anyone else like to talk to her and give her whatever info she needs.
I'm particularly keen to see those who have helped out get recognition, and put across why it's important, hence my asking here. However if you feel that you can explain it all to someone else sensitively and balancing issues, then you'll be good too.
Please PM me with your email address and your phone number and I'll connect you and the BBC girl.