Oh yes of course no one is able to pay 100% attention all the time, but we should be aiming for that, if someone is aiming for 80% attention, they're gonna slack even more. As much as I hate to i've gotta disagree with that second bit though, the way I look at it, if you're using the road, you should bear the same responsibility as everyone else on the road. Like my comment on attention, if a cyclist/biker/car driver think they have less responsibility that someone else, they'll just slip even more.
Now, can we get back to talking about redheads? I can't stand it when threads get dragged off-topic ;)
In France since 1985, there is a law that recognises that pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable road users and therefore motorists are deemed 100% responsible when accidents occur (unless the cyclist was at fault, eg RLJ, etc..). Unlike here where a cyclist is always perceived as the dangerous one, very strange...
In France since 1985, there is a law that recognises that pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable road users and therefore motorists are deemed 100% responsible when accidents occur (unless the cyclist was at fault, eg RLJ, etc..). Unlike here where a cyclist is always perceived as the dangerous one, very strange...