You guys are so missing out. Our current project is to write a proposal to the arts council (which will never be seen by the arts council) .
Basically, it will be marked by our tutors, the idea being they'll assess our proposals then give us feedback. The amusing thing is that the arts council funding proposal form is so regimented that basically they're simply can marking us on how well we can fill in a form. It's the most ridiculous project ever.
So, I am proposing that the arts council fund me on a mission to the Vatican, to convince the Pope to apologise to every aspect of humanity that the catholic church has offended since it was created.
You guys are so missing out. Our current project is to write a proposal to the arts council (which will never be seen by the arts council) .
Basically, it will be marked by our tutors, the idea being they'll assess our proposals then give us feedback. The amusing thing is that the arts council funding proposal form is so regimented that basically they're simply can marking us on how well we can fill in a form. It's the most ridiculous project ever.
So, I am proposing that the arts council fund me on a mission to the Vatican, to convince the Pope to apologise to every aspect of humanity that the catholic church has offended since it was created.