180km from London Fields to Dunwich. So 200km assuming you need to travel to the start and from Dunwich to a nearby station to get home.
200km =~ 125 miles.
To make it up to 400km (for making it into a 400km Audax) I'm going to have to get the train out to Leatherhead and start there, plus finish near home in Putney.
There's a separate thread for the Dunwich Dynamo...probably best to use that for talking about it rather than this Audax thread...
180km from London Fields to Dunwich. So 200km assuming you need to travel to the start and from Dunwich to a nearby station to get home.
200km =~ 125 miles.
To make it up to 400km (for making it into a 400km Audax) I'm going to have to get the train out to Leatherhead and start there, plus finish near home in Putney.
There's a separate thread for the Dunwich Dynamo...probably best to use that for talking about it rather than this Audax thread...