I've been using 69-70 for a couple of years now, don't like much over 71 on 165 cranks for the road because it gets tedious grinding into the wind or doing lots of stop/start.
means you get to spin a lot if you ride with gearies!
hitting around 180rpm max at the moment, (though I've only had a computer for a week and only tried a sprint once) I'd like to be able to hit 200 on the road, if possible
I've been using 69-70 for a couple of years now, don't like much over 71 on 165 cranks for the road because it gets tedious grinding into the wind or doing lots of stop/start.
means you get to spin a lot if you ride with gearies!
hitting around 180rpm max at the moment, (though I've only had a computer for a week and only tried a sprint once) I'd like to be able to hit 200 on the road, if possible