That looks pretty good, but IMO it's not good enough to justify the cost, especially when you can download some photoshop actions from the Studio Exchange site for free that do exactly the same thing. For instance I'm a big fan of the Film FX & Grain Simulator. It's got some good cross processing effects, a holga simulator, lith print effects and a really nice effect called Corbijn Polachrome. Worth looking at if you haven't already.
That looks pretty good, but IMO it's not good enough to justify the cost, especially when you can download some photoshop actions from the Studio Exchange site for free that do exactly the same thing. For instance I'm a big fan of the Film FX & Grain Simulator. It's got some good cross processing effects, a holga simulator, lith print effects and a really nice effect called Corbijn Polachrome. Worth looking at if you haven't already.