Was just chatting to my dad on the blower, who used to be a very keen cyclist, club member, competitions and rode fixed back in the day (he's soon to be 70 now wtf?). And he was saying that he used to suffer from really bad leg cramps until he followed the advice of the club physio, who basically recommended a desert spoon full of honey every day. I was quite dubious about it as dad was telling me, but he swears that once he started following this the leg cramps pretty much vanished. Just thought I'd pass this on in case it's of use to anyone. And for the record, I don't work for any large honey companies looking to boost sales :-)
Was just chatting to my dad on the blower, who used to be a very keen cyclist, club member, competitions and rode fixed back in the day (he's soon to be 70 now wtf?). And he was saying that he used to suffer from really bad leg cramps until he followed the advice of the club physio, who basically recommended a desert spoon full of honey every day. I was quite dubious about it as dad was telling me, but he swears that once he started following this the leg cramps pretty much vanished. Just thought I'd pass this on in case it's of use to anyone. And for the record, I don't work for any large honey companies looking to boost sales :-)