Fleck, we wondered who the hell that was, was an awesome (and random) boost, though if i am honest only alby and overandout actually 'squeaked out' a skid.
It was me, overandout, alby, spins, cake, rennie, pinkgottimobs and possibly dave4 on our way for hyde park to windsor (with minor detours) - beutiful day, and an awesome ride.
Also, whoever alby and I just bombed up seven sisters road with, nice riding with you two, I love tanking it up to the park.
well it would have been rude not to squeak a wee one out, on such a sunny balmy afternoon. Cake was in on the action too
well it would have been rude not to squeak a wee one out, on such a sunny balmy afternoon. Cake was in on the action too