He certainly was not hanging about although it's hard to judge actual speed. These waste transfer trucks seem IMO to be amongst the worst offenders for tear arsing about. I often see them heading out from New X area towards the A2 and probably 50% drive like twats. I once rang and complained to the owners of one truck that was in so much of a hurry it overtook 30+ vehicles waiting at roadworks in Rotherhithe New Road.
He certainly was not hanging about although it's hard to judge actual speed. These waste transfer trucks seem IMO to be amongst the worst offenders for tear arsing about. I often see them heading out from New X area towards the A2 and probably 50% drive like twats. I once rang and complained to the owners of one truck that was in so much of a hurry it overtook 30+ vehicles waiting at roadworks in Rotherhithe New Road.