I spent 45 minutes yesterday trying to switch a set of pedals from welgo to sylvans with clips / straps, not knowing that the threads on both sides unscrew towards the rear wheel.
Once that was done I rode the 10 meters out of my door to the street, forgot I was strapped in and fell straight over landing on the bit that sticks up out of the tarmac where the gate bolt fits in.
And there are so many windows overlooking that spot, I know someone had a good laugh!
I spent 45 minutes yesterday trying to switch a set of pedals from welgo to sylvans with clips / straps, not knowing that the threads on both sides unscrew towards the rear wheel.
Once that was done I rode the 10 meters out of my door to the street, forgot I was strapped in and fell straight over landing on the bit that sticks up out of the tarmac where the gate bolt fits in.
And there are so many windows overlooking that spot, I know someone had a good laugh!