Start with basic track craft. Learn to hold each of the lines perfectly, black, red and blue. Then learn to move between them on all parts of the track without flying past. Learn to keep a constant speed round the track, your pedals will feel heavy in the banking and light in the straights, you have to try and keep pedaling at a constant smooth speed. Get comfortable on all parts of the track, riding laps in the shadows, swooping up and down etc etc.
Once you can do that stuff, then start practising to ride fast.
Start with basic track craft. Learn to hold each of the lines perfectly, black, red and blue. Then learn to move between them on all parts of the track without flying past. Learn to keep a constant speed round the track, your pedals will feel heavy in the banking and light in the straights, you have to try and keep pedaling at a constant smooth speed. Get comfortable on all parts of the track, riding laps in the shadows, swooping up and down etc etc.
Once you can do that stuff, then start practising to ride fast.