I think Bobby Dids is a midget, if you catch my drift...
Obviously I don't. It should be pretty obvious that subtlety or irony are entirely lost on me. If you wish to convey a message to me (perhaps you don't)it's best done in nice, simple english. Otherwise your your bon mot is wasted, like pearls scattered before swine.
Hippy, certain parts of my anatomy could be considered diminuitive, does that count? If so, let's hook up.
Obviously I don't. It should be pretty obvious that subtlety or irony are entirely lost on me. If you wish to convey a message to me (perhaps you don't)it's best done in nice, simple english. Otherwise your your bon mot is wasted, like pearls scattered before swine.
Hippy, certain parts of my anatomy could be considered diminuitive, does that count? If so, let's hook up.