i had a man chase me in camden as i rolled over the corner of the pavement to roll through the lights with the peds, he came at me like he was scaring birds from a field full of crops, fucking nut ball! he never got close but i did get a good chance to watch this odd creature and laugh at his expense. i ended it by looking him square in the eye and telling him he really need to get laid! you could almost hear the penny drop!
Worst bit was he was about 10 meters away and ran out of his wat to me!?
if i see people riding on the pavements when i am walking i make it as hard as i can for them to get past and point out if they are scared to cycle on the road maybe they should walk. not one person has come back at me yet, which i find odd. i guess they know they are in the wrong?!
I has something similar happen to me nr Evershot street, crossing the Euston road. I was heading north, peds where crossing Eustons road and I wanted to turn right, I rode diagonally towards the ped crossing over the yellow box junction and jumped off my bike to walk on the edge of the junction, after about 3 steps I felt someone pushing my back, Turned round to find a rotund gentleman on the floor screaming at my that I had nearly run into someone (which I hadn't). He'd fallen onto the floor trying to push me over. I couldn't help but laugh. Attacking cyclist fail.
I has something similar happen to me nr Evershot street, crossing the Euston road. I was heading north, peds where crossing Eustons road and I wanted to turn right, I rode diagonally towards the ped crossing over the yellow box junction and jumped off my bike to walk on the edge of the junction, after about 3 steps I felt someone pushing my back, Turned round to find a rotund gentleman on the floor screaming at my that I had nearly run into someone (which I hadn't). He'd fallen onto the floor trying to push me over. I couldn't help but laugh. Attacking cyclist fail.