Yesterday I had to do a rapid skid to a halt and trackstand to avoid running over a couple of police officers on a zebra crossing. One of them looked me in the eye and I expected to get a telling off, instead he said thanks and well done.
Today I skidded to a halt and trackstand at some traffic lights and a pedestrian shouted "Nice skills".
Considering my rather ropey skidding and trackstanding it was lovely to get such compliments.
Yesterday I had to do a rapid skid to a halt and trackstand to avoid running over a couple of police officers on a zebra crossing. One of them looked me in the eye and I expected to get a telling off, instead he said thanks and well done.
Today I skidded to a halt and trackstand at some traffic lights and a pedestrian shouted "Nice skills".
Considering my rather ropey skidding and trackstanding it was lovely to get such compliments.