• #27
Understandably foolish when your approaching a large junction/on oxford street/behind an articulated truck. But on a normal high street, it doesn't seem like lunacy at all, I havent had any crashes before and cycle the same route every day. Its not hard to tell when someone is going to take a left, but when they literelly cut you off, of course its going to end in a mess.
• #28
I would understand if the car overtook you then turned left on top of you. But if you where undertaking and then the car turned left on you then it is partly your fault.
• #29
If I read that correctly, he wasn't in the wrong, he was on the outside near the pavement?
That's exactly how I got knocked off(on my one and only time) few years back, bombin it down Farringdon Rd and some weapon cut me up and did a left at the Betsey Trotwood pub, he didn't even indicate and if he did it still would've been too late. I slammed on my brakes and whacked his rear wing, bounced on his boot and managed to land on my feet. Bike went under the car, snapped the front wheel. The cunt drove off!!! Chased him while shouting at him(he had his window down and could blatantly hear me) but he put his foot down and fucked off.....
Yea completely drivers fault as he overtook you and then gave you a lefthook.
• #30
sorry I should have cleared that up, she did over take me and then turned left without indicating
• #31
sorry I should have cleared that up, she did over take me and then turned left without indicating
That sounds more like it..............when that happens to me I tend to take a wing mirror with me as a souvenir.
• #32
At the time I felt like taking a lump of her hair as a souvenir!
• #33
Jaysus Mally, glad to hear you're in one piece fellow!! Has the spak suffered?
• #34
I just cycle straight through the car.
• #35
am I mad in thinking that we are not supposed to cycle alongside the footpath?
this is pissing me off. the amount of times I see people cycling along the sidewalk (foot path? pavement?) yet I have been getting bleated at by some old lady for taking an 8 year old and a 10 year old along the sidewalk of a tiny, busy, cars-parked-on-both-sides road. fuck off. do you want an injured 8 yo or 10 yo? No. I didn't think so.
And yet, if you're cycling too slow (have a big hill, on a narrow two-lane road, again on my way to get the boys) people want you off the road!
• #36
Yo Erik, The steed is fine, but im walking like i have a garden knomb firmly rooted up my hole. its a similar feeling to being knocked over by a jeep cherokee, so i hear
If I read that correctly, he wasn't in the wrong, he was on the outside near the pavement?
That's exactly how I got knocked off(on my one and only time) few years back, bombin it down Farringdon Rd and some weapon cut me up and did a left at the Betsey Trotwood pub, he didn't even indicate and if he did it still would've been too late. I slammed on my brakes and whacked his rear wing, bounced on his boot and managed to land on my feet. Bike went under the car, snapped the front wheel. The cunt drove off!!! Chased him while shouting at him(he had his window down and could blatantly hear me) but he put his foot down and fucked off.....