On top of this curb is some railings. About 8' - 10' of the railings have been ripped off of this 10" high curb.
I can imagine a lorry hitting a bike without realizing it as I have been hit while driving by a lorry whilst on the motorway but this collision would have been very loud as the lorry would have needed to mount the curb to and also make some serious noise ripping the railings off.
I noticed the railing ripped off too but do we know if this occured as part of this accident?
I noticed the railing ripped off too but do we know if this occured as part of this accident?
This is for sure a dangerous junction for cyclists and one that I will not filter but wait my turn and then hog the whole lane and not the poor excuse for a cycle lane on the roundbout. This when cycling from Woolwich to Greenwich direction. The traffic lights are a real pinch point, particualry when there are HGV's and doubly so if any are turning left onto the A102.