• #1527
That my bloody internet has fucked up tonight and i'm having to post this from my phone.
• #1528
That my bloody internet has fucked up tonight and i'm having to post this from my phone.
Can life get any more cruel?
• #1529
this polluting the air
that would be so much fun to ride down.
you could literally knock off every wing mirror you wanted and would almost certainly get away with it
• #1530
• #1531
oh yeah.
• #1532
No, anyway its back on now, hell yeah :)
• #1533
... just-eat. Fucking shit drivers when you're riding, and shit drivers when you're waiting.
• #1534
I hate wanky posts in the i hate/i love threads.
there, i've said it.
• #1535
I hate that Ive wasted precious time :/
• #1536
How everything can get so fucked up in such a short space of time, it seems i'm destined to lose lose and lose again.
• #1537
I hate the world... I say Fuck the World!
In reality, I just hate being skint... And bank charges... Those muthafuckas are humpin' my gooch, bigtime... :[ -
• #1538
• #1539
How do you feel about smiling norwegian fiddle players?
• #1540
Over hysterical women who scream loudly to get loads of attention of blokes because of they don't like a may bugs.
• #1541
The Lonely Island Crew. So shit. I think you have to be a student to find them funny.
• #1542
Ben, you seem like a nice guy, and I have allot of respect for you.
But I'm On a Boat is some pretty funny stuff, and I didn't get into uni.
• #1543
I didn't get into uni.
Just means you have more time to make cool mags, conquer the world, and come and hang out :)
• #1544
Wankstains who feel that you should "get the fuck outa my way you piece of shit. You don't pay no road tax" when there is nowhere to pull over.
• #1545
this polluting the air
hah, nice, but sadly its only photochop
if you look closely you can spot dozens of cloned cars.
• #1546
Ben, you seem like a nice guy, and I have allot of respect for you.
But I'm On a Boat is some pretty funny stuff, and I didn't get into uni.
I'll admit the breakfast table scene at the start of Boat is very funny. But the rest does nothing for me.
On a side note - where's my comic!?!?
• #1547
Wankstains who feel that you should "get the fuck outa my way you piece of shit. You don't pay no road tax" when there is nowhere to pull over.
Shout back "Neither do you!" Road tax was abolished in 1936 fact fans.
• #1548
Shout back "Neither do you!" Road tax was abolished in 1936 fact fans.
Yeah, Know about that, but didn't have my "cool repartee" head on so I just kicked fuck out of his door and wing. Funny he didn't want to get out to talk about it.
• #1549
- Scientists with no background in ethics discussing ethics.
utterly fucking pointless. We're never, ever, ever going to have our say in the end, whats the point.
Do good science and thats that.
N.B. I am not saying scientists should not consider ethics, but I don't think certain issues merit navel gazing shitty debate.
Thank you.
Henry.What constitutes a background in ethics? Can you ever truly be an ethical scientist or can you only be an ethical scientist? By operating within your own human moral values, you’re working to a strict ethical charter that will govern everything you do.
I’m more familiar with nautical politics to be honest.
- Scientists with no background in ethics discussing ethics.
• #1550
I hate "LOL". Why tell people your laughing out loud, when infact you've probably just smirked, or been mildly amused. The person that says "I thought so. LOL" in response to a FB post is a (insert rude word here, i.e. cnut)
Anyone else feel like doing GBH when someone LOL's on the t'interweb?
love this.