firing guns in nashville. i had a glock 40 (15 in the mag), a friend had a colt .45 (8 or 9 in the mag).
4 of us went to fire guns at the range. two dropped out. leaving me and my bessie mate to shoot guns. alone. with no previous. well a little. but not hand cannons. which is what we had.
we go downstairs, yes the range is under the shop.
it's loud. we shit it. we try to fire off our 50 as quick as poss. we swap guns. i fire the colt. it's huge. it's loud. i miss the target a couple of times.
my mate says he thinks he's finished.
instead of pointing down the range and checking. i point at the desk. cue bullet hole in desk. mass panic and a desire to get out of there.
the other two pick us up and say they've never seen us looking so scared.
we go to the porn store next door to calm down. and realise we've been firing guns underneath the porn store.
firing guns in nashville. i had a glock 40 (15 in the mag), a friend had a colt .45 (8 or 9 in the mag).
4 of us went to fire guns at the range. two dropped out. leaving me and my bessie mate to shoot guns. alone. with no previous. well a little. but not hand cannons. which is what we had.
we go downstairs, yes the range is under the shop.
it's loud. we shit it. we try to fire off our 50 as quick as poss. we swap guns. i fire the colt. it's huge. it's loud. i miss the target a couple of times.
my mate says he thinks he's finished.
instead of pointing down the range and checking. i point at the desk. cue bullet hole in desk. mass panic and a desire to get out of there.
the other two pick us up and say they've never seen us looking so scared.
we go to the porn store next door to calm down. and realise we've been firing guns underneath the porn store.
nobody got hurt though.