So I have just taken stock of a lovely old Raleigh Team Pro track frame, a frame I have been hankering after since I can remember.
The thing is the frame itself has a good few blemishes over it in various places that look like surface rust... Nothing too bad and not structurally damaging but enough to notice. So I wonder, is it possible for me to remove these blemishes without ruining the paint as I love the paint job and I would quite like to keep it O.G.
I have heard WD-40 and a green scourer works ok but I just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences and if so how did you go about sorting it.
Evening all,
So I have just taken stock of a lovely old Raleigh Team Pro track frame, a frame I have been hankering after since I can remember.
The thing is the frame itself has a good few blemishes over it in various places that look like surface rust... Nothing too bad and not structurally damaging but enough to notice. So I wonder, is it possible for me to remove these blemishes without ruining the paint as I love the paint job and I would quite like to keep it O.G.
I have heard WD-40 and a green scourer works ok but I just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences and if so how did you go about sorting it.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.
*Edit. you can see it there on downtube near the BB and on the top tube near the headtube.