• #27
last summer i rode from Canterbury to Margate via Deal. 'twas really nice. margate is shite though.
dover castle:
lots of cider stops. perfection.
• #28
If you want a flatish route towards Dover you're best off staying just slightly south of the M20 at all times until after Ashford, then personally I would head down the B2067 towards Hyde before taking the coast road back up to Dover/wherever.
• #29
If your heading out htat way better to come out of London from Eltham then Sidcup and along the B2173 towards Swanley then just as you come to the traffic ligts on the edge of Sanley take a left and then a right towards Sutton at Home and on towards Longfield, avoid all of Dartford e.t.c
Something like this [http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=51.453151,0.037766&daddr=A211%2FMain+Rd+to:B2173%2FMaidstone+Rd+to:Longfield&geocode=%3BFYy1EAMdqHkBAA%3BFWaBEAMddBECAA%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=12&via=1,2&sll=51.436889,0.069695&sspn=0.080257,0.2211&ie=UTF8&ll=51.420192,0.166855&spn=0.080286,0.2211&z=12](http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=51.453151,0.037766&daddr=A211%2FMain+Rd+to:B2173%2FMaidstone+Rd+to:Longfield&geocode=%3BFYy1EAMdqHkBAA%3BFWaBEAMddBECAA%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=12&via=1,2&sll=51.436889,0.069695&sspn=0.080257,0.2211&ie=UTF8&ll=51.420192,0.166855&spn=0.080286,0.2211&z=12)
Nice idea Tommy, but there's nowhere to cross the Medway between Rochester and Leybourne. I'd rather go through Dartford than bloody Rochester!
• #30
great idea, I'm definitely up for it! I'm new in UK and curious to check out the seaside. looking forward to a lovely ride with some keen riders!
what about the date? -
• #31
depends when but i would be up for it as well...
• #32
What really annoys me about Kent every time I go down there is that the A2 has squatted the route of Watling Street.
• #33
OK a ride to St Margarets looks on the cards:
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.150817,1.347198&spn=0.075267,0.218353&t=h&z=13Should be good, check out the cliffs then lunch/dinner at the seaside.
Will check out the route and post up possible date[s] shortly. -
• #34
Nice idea Tommy, but there's nowhere to cross the Medway between Rochester and Leybourne. I'd rather go through Dartford than bloody Rochester!
I realized that after I posted, I was really surprised at that, I've only ever headed out that way and then turned south / south west / west backround towards Biggenhill via some route.
Is Rochester really bad to ride through then? only ever driven through there once so can't remember.
• #35
After some research I found you can cross the Medway on the edge of Rochester on the M2, there is a bike / foot bridge on the north side. As used in crossing the medway this route here.
This this linked up with my route out of London could give a good route to get out of London, over the medway avoiding riding through Dartford or Rochester.
• #36
Idea to get over medway avoiding Dartfor and Rotchester.
• #37
I'd possibly be up for this...would love to stop by Broadstairs tho... Best ice cream in the country at Morellis, viking bay.
• #38
i would love to come depending on dates
• #39
i'd be up for this too
• #40
How about Sunday 21 June? Clashes nicely with the roll to the stones but it's a date I could do.
• #41
i notice you have to drop down the 'downs' down bluebell hill and then go straight back up near detling hill (anyone with gears bring them! anyone thinking of doing it brakeless? i would think again.)as there doesn't seem to be a way of keeping the height unless you stay north of the m2 and skirt walderslade. but that means conurbation, chavs, industrial/housing estates so hills and trees is probably better
there is a good pub called the hook and hatchet at Hucking that you pass by but it's a bit soon in the journey to stop. the roads/views along the north downs are really nice, if you have the weather for it it should be a good ride. -
• #42
he he... Hucking....
• #43
Could be nice.. depending on dates.
• #44
Would like to come depending on dates. Definitely canNot 21st June.
• #45
24th May - Tarck/Track Day
21st June - Stonehenge/Mathgeek
27th June - Mathgeek
4th July - Dunwich
1st August - EHCP ChampsWhich means I select Sunday the 9th of August for this ride, hope you guys can make that date.
• #46
That date works for me. Nice one.
Time for a list?
- MA3K
- andyp
- MA3K
• #47
- MA3K
- andyp
- tika
- MA3K
• #48
- MA3K
- andyp
- tika
- Sammy Dodger
- MA3K
• #50
- MA3K
- andyp
- tika
- Sammy Dodger
- diapo
- spagetti-motherfuckin-hoops.
- MA3K
I'd be into this. Again, probably on gears. I am doing London to Paris in July and need to get some longer rides in, and it's always more fun with others.