Back OT - I carry a feckoff great big Zefal HPX aluminium pump strapped under my toptube. This is because I'm fed up with making my hands sore trying to get crappyarsed little minipumps to bring my tyres back up to pressure when the Pu***ure Faerie visits.
I don't carry it as some kind of "rescue a roadie" service for people who are too cool to stash a pump in their jersey pocket. You've just spent three grand on a feckin' Colnago? Very nice - now go and spend a tenner on a decent pump, you poseur knobend.
Back OT - I carry a feckoff great big Zefal HPX aluminium pump strapped under my toptube. This is because I'm fed up with making my hands sore trying to get crappyarsed little minipumps to bring my tyres back up to pressure when the Pu***ure Faerie visits.
I don't carry it as some kind of "rescue a roadie" service for people who are too cool to stash a pump in their jersey pocket. You've just spent three grand on a feckin' Colnago? Very nice - now go and spend a tenner on a decent pump, you poseur knobend.