The reffing at Oxford was terrible or, perhaps more accurate, non-existent.
that's a fair point to be honest I just jumped in at the deep end there and had no idea what I was doing or what to call or if I can call because a lot of the rulings that your being a dick can be biased personal polotics and opinions.
Sorry to anyone who found this frustrating if I ever ref again I need to be clear on what I am actually doing and calling and yeah just be prepared to piss people off all day
that's a fair point to be honest I just jumped in at the deep end there and had no idea what I was doing or what to call or if I can call because a lot of the rulings that your being a dick can be biased personal polotics and opinions.
Sorry to anyone who found this frustrating if I ever ref again I need to be clear on what I am actually doing and calling and yeah just be prepared to piss people off all day