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  • magpie, you can travel anyway to work you deem fit, if they have issues with your appearance, clothes in office, discuss with them the possibility of putting in showers, so you could shower before work, or arranging some sort of cupboard space for your clothes, both sweaty and non sweaty
    As far as I'm aware bosses can't force you to stop travelling to work one way or another. Speak to some of the lawyers on here for clarification, cliveo, or mooks, whose having some workplace bother and seems quite knowledgeable in discrimination law.
    Don't let them bully you into stopping riding to work, just because they are being precious. Be firm and calm with them and let them know you will take this further if need be...

    I'm assuming its your direct boss whose talking to you about this and there are managers above him who you can take this too if need be..
