after engaging in a shouting match with a bunch of dicks cutting me up at the cross roads at st. anns road and high road, mr george sportif sailed by merrily waving. hello! :D
Yessss! Hello! I actually managed to acknowledge you today, I usually manage a nod or a smile when you're about 15 meters past!
Also spotted fuckloads of lo-pro's over the last few days. Geared Concorde, white concorde, and others which I forget.
Lots of people on my commute today also. From the back I was in a red shirt and fitted black cap if you saw me pass. ;)
Yessss! Hello! I actually managed to acknowledge you today, I usually manage a nod or a smile when you're about 15 meters past!
Also spotted fuckloads of lo-pro's over the last few days. Geared Concorde, white concorde, and others which I forget.
Lots of people on my commute today also. From the back I was in a red shirt and fitted black cap if you saw me pass. ;)