Gentlemen (and ladies), I have read a few posts about some of the prices the speciality shops are charging and feel I should say something (that has probably already been said).
Some of you have been somewhat dismissive about the (seemingly) exorbitant prices of some of the product being offered for sale.
I used to feel exactly the same way until I ran my own business. If you sell everything on without making a's not a business. It may seem expensive but these shops have got to keep themselves afloat, pay staff, pay themselves and buy new stock.
New product, 'risky'/'exotic' product (bear in mind it is the supplier/shop's risk, NOT your own) would never see the light of day without someone investing themselves and reinvesting whatever profit they made from previous sales. It pains me to read some of the comments in the classifieds section (yes, I know £75 for a set of coloured allen keys is somewhat optimistic) but at least new, different product is being brought to the table. If you buy it, fine, if you don't, you don't. The choice to buy, or not, is yours. I'm sure if TFG/14/FGL/etc closed down everyone would be 'fuck, that place was so good whilst it lasted' but seriously, you people have the last word in whether these places continue to exist, by buying from them.
I used to specialise in importing a niche car from Japan. Along with the car we'd investigate new parts and products and try to ONLY cater for our selected niche otherwise it was all too easy to dilute your core market. We were supported by a hardcore of fanatics and enthusiasts and it made the difference and meant I could keep the doors open and pay staff. In the current economic climate every single fucking penny you decide to put with one supplier rather than the other could be the tipping point in whether that supplier can open their doors tomorrow morning. Can you imagine wandering into Halford's Bikehut, putting in a special order for some Nitto drops and know you were being served by someone who actually gave a fuck about the relative merits of radial lacing?
For me, I take my hat off to 14/TFG/FGL. I fully respect the history places like BLB has, but I'll happily ride an extra 5 miles and pay an extra £2 for product knowing the money is in their pockets rather than some huge Internet-based store or a bike shop that will clearly be there for years to come.
Gentlemen (and ladies), I have read a few posts about some of the prices the speciality shops are charging and feel I should say something (that has probably already been said).
Some of you have been somewhat dismissive about the (seemingly) exorbitant prices of some of the product being offered for sale.
I used to feel exactly the same way until I ran my own business. If you sell everything on without making a's not a business. It may seem expensive but these shops have got to keep themselves afloat, pay staff, pay themselves and buy new stock.
New product, 'risky'/'exotic' product (bear in mind it is the supplier/shop's risk, NOT your own) would never see the light of day without someone investing themselves and reinvesting whatever profit they made from previous sales. It pains me to read some of the comments in the classifieds section (yes, I know £75 for a set of coloured allen keys is somewhat optimistic) but at least new, different product is being brought to the table. If you buy it, fine, if you don't, you don't. The choice to buy, or not, is yours. I'm sure if TFG/14/FGL/etc closed down everyone would be 'fuck, that place was so good whilst it lasted' but seriously, you people have the last word in whether these places continue to exist, by buying from them.
I used to specialise in importing a niche car from Japan. Along with the car we'd investigate new parts and products and try to ONLY cater for our selected niche otherwise it was all too easy to dilute your core market. We were supported by a hardcore of fanatics and enthusiasts and it made the difference and meant I could keep the doors open and pay staff. In the current economic climate every single fucking penny you decide to put with one supplier rather than the other could be the tipping point in whether that supplier can open their doors tomorrow morning. Can you imagine wandering into Halford's Bikehut, putting in a special order for some Nitto drops and know you were being served by someone who actually gave a fuck about the relative merits of radial lacing?
For me, I take my hat off to 14/TFG/FGL. I fully respect the history places like BLB has, but I'll happily ride an extra 5 miles and pay an extra £2 for product knowing the money is in their pockets rather than some huge Internet-based store or a bike shop that will clearly be there for years to come.
Just something to think about. Rant over.
As you were.