It seemed from earlier comments that manchester fielding four teams was not what was expected, do we even have enought people for four solid teams?
Well this was meant to be the case, so me and adam registered 2 teams on the day it opened. And then Nes went ahead a registered a 3rd. So what i'm saying is that if she does form a team with all girls and play then it would be unfair for the other regulars to miss out so they may aswell register a 4th, ya' get me?
Well this was meant to be the case, so me and adam registered 2 teams on the day it opened. And then Nes went ahead a registered a 3rd. So what i'm saying is that if she does form a team with all girls and play then it would be unfair for the other regulars to miss out so they may aswell register a 4th, ya' get me?