I just got forwarded this at work, It's for a new company selling bike stuff, haven't really look at it properly but it looks like a load of no name product being sold at about what they should cost, the offers supposed to be just for my company, but if anyone actually wants anything i can get it for you..... this is the blurb i just got....:
Company Background:
The MAX brand has just launched into the world of cycling and is the first ever cycling brand to be internet only sales. The online web shop (www.maxgear.co.uk) offers customers the opportunity to purchase a wide range of cycling accessories and equipment at very competitive prices. This range includes helmets, sunglasses, compression clothing, water bottles, cages, pumps, saddles, grips, luggage and tools. The products are currently being used by Olympic gold medal winner Nicole Cooke and a number of leading UK cycling teams. The aim of the MAX brand is service all levels of cyclist by age and by ability, with product which is tested and used by top professional cyclists both at home and across Europe. The company is headquartered near Irlam, Greater Manchester.
Discount Codes:
As an incentive for Americana staff to browse our website (www.maxgear.co.uk) and purchase our discounted products, we would like to offer them an exclusive launch discount of 20% on their first order. The 20% promotion will initially run until 30 June 2009.
The promotional code to be used on the employee’s first order is: ** PM ME FOR DETAILS**
The promotional code to be used on all subsequent orders is: ** PM ME FOR DETAILS**
Exclusions to the offer:
• The above offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers;
• Offer is subject to availability;
• Offer applies only to employees of Americana International Limited;
• Maxgear reserves the right to discontinue the promotion with one week’s notice to Americana.
I just got forwarded this at work, It's for a new company selling bike stuff, haven't really look at it properly but it looks like a load of no name product being sold at about what they should cost, the offers supposed to be just for my company, but if anyone actually wants anything i can get it for you..... this is the blurb i just got....:
Company Background:
The MAX brand has just launched into the world of cycling and is the first ever cycling brand to be internet only sales. The online web shop (www.maxgear.co.uk) offers customers the opportunity to purchase a wide range of cycling accessories and equipment at very competitive prices. This range includes helmets, sunglasses, compression clothing, water bottles, cages, pumps, saddles, grips, luggage and tools. The products are currently being used by Olympic gold medal winner Nicole Cooke and a number of leading UK cycling teams. The aim of the MAX brand is service all levels of cyclist by age and by ability, with product which is tested and used by top professional cyclists both at home and across Europe. The company is headquartered near Irlam, Greater Manchester.
Discount Codes:
As an incentive for Americana staff to browse our website (www.maxgear.co.uk) and purchase our discounted products, we would like to offer them an exclusive launch discount of 20% on their first order. The 20% promotion will initially run until 30 June 2009.
The promotional code to be used on the employee’s first order is: ** PM ME FOR DETAILS**
The promotional code to be used on all subsequent orders is: ** PM ME FOR DETAILS**
Exclusions to the offer:
• The above offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers;
• Offer is subject to availability;
• Offer applies only to employees of Americana International Limited;
• Maxgear reserves the right to discontinue the promotion with one week’s notice to Americana.