Hello everyone. My name is Selim and I'm the person who is actually ordering them tees. Btw, many thanx to Nhatt for starting this tread while I was busy. Anyway, the order is being placed on monday evening and it should take a couple of weeks for tees to be printed and possibly a little longer for the hoodies.
Just want to make sure its all clear before i go ahead with order:
T-shirts will be dark grey with silver ink print. Hoodies will be black with white print. So golden prints etc are NOT an option.
Traditional hoodies will have the LONDON bit missing due to size of the design. It simply goes over the front pocket. I considered for a minute to have just smaller print but it doesnt look very good, so traditional hoodies will have only the dlock pig and Brixton Pista logo. Tees and zippy hoodies remain unchanged.
The limited 20 tees edition was printed last year,this time it will be around 40-50 i think mostly pre orders plus few extras but not too many.
Just want to double check the list of orders:
tika-1 womens tee
fresh - med t please
Hoops- Medium
maxcrowe - x large tshirt
Rik - XL
old blue eddy - large
Lukeyb - SM
Ahleks - Largo
StupidPony_large please.
teenslain - large (I'd be happy with white on black but will go with the flow)
Steff. Medium
gizmond - Medium
KevinSays - large
Cheesecake_Intl - Medium
Joesmooth - XL
Dasmiller - medium
socialamnesia - small
Daccordi - XL
Momentum - M
Markyboy - XL
Pirat - M
Superprecise - Medium
madrobar--medium please.
wools - medium
supertony007 - large please
Gregory- small
Forms - Large
Funkchunk - XL
RC21 - Large
Sammy- XL - I was 27th but got knocked off by somebody :-(
Hoops - Mediun
Rik - XL (only if traditional, NO zip)
maxcrowe - x large (if gold or white on black)
jameslux - smal
Charco Small/ zipped
gizmond - Large
geoffersmaher (gold or white on black would be nice)
socialamnesia - medium
Pirat - M
Khornight - Large thanks
teenslain - Zipped Large (print on back... Again, would be happy with white on black)
Skully - Zip Large
Si - if traditional no zip - small
14.tika [small or xsmall]
@lucky13.teddy-are you still after large zipped hoodie? you disappeared from the list somewhere on the page 2
@winston-different colours of the tee and the ink=highly collectable item in 10 years. unless I'll sell franchising to primark
Hello everyone. My name is Selim and I'm the person who is actually ordering them tees. Btw, many thanx to Nhatt for starting this tread while I was busy. Anyway, the order is being placed on monday evening and it should take a couple of weeks for tees to be printed and possibly a little longer for the hoodies.
Just want to make sure its all clear before i go ahead with order:
T-shirts will be dark grey with silver ink print. Hoodies will be black with white print. So golden prints etc are NOT an option.
Traditional hoodies will have the LONDON bit missing due to size of the design. It simply goes over the front pocket. I considered for a minute to have just smaller print but it doesnt look very good, so traditional hoodies will have only the dlock pig and Brixton Pista logo. Tees and zippy hoodies remain unchanged.
The limited 20 tees edition was printed last year,this time it will be around 40-50 i think mostly pre orders plus few extras but not too many.
Just want to double check the list of orders:
14.tika [small or xsmall]
@lucky13.teddy-are you still after large zipped hoodie? you disappeared from the list somewhere on the page 2
@winston-different colours of the tee and the ink=highly collectable item in 10 years. unless I'll sell franchising to primark