I've slightly reduced the nursery threshold now. It's only 3 posts and 24 hours.
Basically the spammers last week forced me to build in a lot of new stuff to fight spam, and that looks like it is working, so I think I can reduce the threshold fractionally.
However it's still a good process to prevent human spam (i.e. people paid to spam rather than bots), and it still also spares new members from posting dumb questions that will likely prematurely damage their forum rep... as always if you've just arrived you are advised to search first.
I've slightly reduced the nursery threshold now. It's only 3 posts and 24 hours.
Basically the spammers last week forced me to build in a lot of new stuff to fight spam, and that looks like it is working, so I think I can reduce the threshold fractionally.
However it's still a good process to prevent human spam (i.e. people paid to spam rather than bots), and it still also spares new members from posting dumb questions that will likely prematurely damage their forum rep... as always if you've just arrived you are advised to search first.