I bought a 10 speed SRAM Powerlink from CRC not noticing that hidden in the Powerlink decription was a little line that said:
"The 10 speed link is a Powerlock. Not a Powerlink."
Why was it listed as an option in Powerlinks then! I'd not be surprised if your selected colour of Chrome bag said next to it 'Right Shoulder'. Very confusing website.
When the correct bag does arrive, enjoy. They're great bags.
I bought a 10 speed SRAM Powerlink from CRC not noticing that hidden in the Powerlink decription was a little line that said:
"The 10 speed link is a Powerlock. Not a Powerlink."
Why was it listed as an option in Powerlinks then! I'd not be surprised if your selected colour of Chrome bag said next to it 'Right Shoulder'. Very confusing website.
When the correct bag does arrive, enjoy. They're great bags.