• But that's my point. A lot of the meat we eat (I was vegetarian for ten years, but not any more) spends it's whole life living in a cage full of its own shit and then gets killed fairly unpleasantly in an abbatoir. Thie elephant spent most of its life trundling around Africa and then bled to death overnight. Neither of these are nice and both are unecessary and cruel, but is the death of the elephant so much worse than the mundane cruelty and misery of normal farming?

    I think that some of the more extreme things said on this thread about what should be done to this woman can only legitimately be said by vegans and, to a lesser extent, vegetarians. Those of us who are meat eaters should face the fact that we are sometimes just as cruel, only we do it remotely rather than buying a special bow and arrow.

    That may well be the case, but that doesn't mean that meat eaters by default must support the actions of the stupid hag.
    Hypocrisy is pretty much a fundamental part of being a human and non-meat eaters are not exempt from it.
