For me its the increased chance on taking one on trips to the mountains etc. While carrying all the stuff the kids need.
I can see it now...
"what do you mean theres no room for the full sus ATB? Dump the pram and we'll make one of those new age baby carrier things out of the car blanket, and that center seat belt we never use, when we get there."
@Archi Pelago. Bet you've become a proper cityboy really ;)
For me its the increased chance on taking one on trips to the mountains etc. While carrying all the stuff the kids need.
I can see it now...
"what do you mean theres no room for the full sus ATB? Dump the pram and we'll make one of those new age baby carrier things out of the car blanket, and that center seat belt we never use, when we get there."
@Archi Pelago. Bet you've become a proper cityboy really ;)