• #2
I could be mistaken but that looks like me holding the newspaper, far left by the shop.
• #3
• #4
I can identify the kid on the right.
• #6
I think, based on pics from this forum, that the chap with the pipe goes by the name of littigator. I may be mistaken, but I would avoid spilling hot coffee on him.
• #7
Mail sent, though I'm in the background so probably not who you're after.
• #8
i think that the girl is gwen snowy's girlfriend
• #9
Second from the right with the flap cap and huuuuuuuugh tasche is The Bonk.
• #10
Gwyn on the left.
and they are in Gambia or somewhere along those lines. -
• #11
I think, based on pics from this forum, that the chap with the pipe goes by the name of littigator. I may be mistaken, but I would avoid spilling hot coffee on him.
I'm pretty sure that's littigator too
• #12
The vintage mint green framed bike in the centre background looks familiar, I'm it's new owner - It used to belong to Litigator's Missus ... 'twas bought for me when they were preparing to head off to Kenya. I didn't meet Litigator, Aroogah might be able to confirm though, he picked it up from them.
• #13
Yes, that's Littigator, and he's now in Kenya. He might still look at the forum occasionally and might notice PMs.
Is the photo going to be featured somewhere?
• #14
i'm the gunman on the grassy knoll right at the back, or maybe in the repository window
i'll let you decide -
• #15
Already found here
• #16
i believe the bonk is there behind littigator
• #17
no im not
• #18
I could be mistaken but that looks like me holding the newspaper, far left by the shop.
My bad. Enlarged the picture and that's defo not a copy of the Daily Sport so can't be me
If so, could you please email me at r o x y "at" roxyerickson dot com