• #2
Oh hi mark!
• #3
Haven't seen it but after seeing those trailers i must to have it
• #4
I cannot stress how great this film is.
• #5
Some debate as to whether it's serious or not..
Oh it's real alright...
I drove past a billboard on my way to work everyday for over a year when I lived in LA, and that was on it!
Can't believe I didn't get to a "theatre" to check it.
Looks ahem great. -
• #6
man I got to see this.. shoots, a night in?
• #7
johnny thunderpants is the best film ever
about a boy with uncontrolable wind
need i say more ! -
• #8
The Room has to be spoof, sssuuuurrely?! Even if part of the joke is that it's presented as a serious film? that guy with the permed Banderas hairpiece is K to the razy.
I have spent some time searching for this and couldn't find nuthin so..
YouTube - The Room - Full Length Trailer
Some of the worst acting and dialogue of all time, but it's an hour of non stop hilarity.
Some debate as to whether it's serious or not..
Check it out! I'm sure someone's seen it, it's a classic
YouTube - The Room - "Hi, Mark."