Hey all. My girlfriends geared bike got stolen from outside the Royal College of Art yesterday. If you see it anywhere can you let us know. She was really gutted. Pictures attached. It was locked with Kryptonite Evolution mini with crank locked within and cable running through the wheels. Cut through apparently. Annoying...
Yes, crap. Did she lock it up there regularly? It's probably not very helpful to say, but nice bikes outside learning establishments are often targeted. She should obviously be free to live in the expectation to leave it there safely, and it sounds as if she'd locked it well. It's doubly upsetting to think they may have been lying in wait. A pretty distinctive bike that I will certainly notice if I see it. Let's hope it turns up!
Yes, crap. Did she lock it up there regularly? It's probably not very helpful to say, but nice bikes outside learning establishments are often targeted. She should obviously be free to live in the expectation to leave it there safely, and it sounds as if she'd locked it well. It's doubly upsetting to think they may have been lying in wait. A pretty distinctive bike that I will certainly notice if I see it. Let's hope it turns up!