• #2
• #4
The virgin mary told me there's going to be masses of cake, the greedy bitch :-)
• #5
Well...The mother of one of the girls who is coming to my daughter's birthday party on Saturday told my wife that 2 (two) other children in the same year had been to Mexico at Easter and they are STILL IN SCHOOL.
So I am a dead-from-swine-flu man walking. And I was at Fiddy's drinks last week, so that is pretty much the end of the Forum.
• #6
no. i truely hate them, turns my stomach even thinking about what they do to the little animals these days
• #7
As in the end of the world?
• #8
Thats a bit grim.
• #9
How on earth can anything end? Its a bizarre idea.
• #10
Whither atrophy?
• #11
The LHC will end everything, and you won't even know it. One nano second you will be doing what you do, the next the whole universe will cease to exist. The 800,000,000 proton collisions per second generated will cause the basic sub string structure underpinning the way in which matter and energy interact in this time/space to unfold. The reality we see is a four dimensional expression of 11 dimensional N space, it is fragile and so will be folded back into a congruent 10 dimensional energy/matter stream by the stress imposed at CERN.
So I'm off to have a cake and a nice cup of tea while there is still time (and space)..oo... .ip
• #12
got 20 mins then
Anyone here into 'End Times' ?