• #2
i got an open pro laced to a dtswiss disc hub:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/25628148@N07/sets/72157615690885692/detail/as it says £30 posted to you.
brand new and all.
no skewer, and it'll fit 100mm dropouts, and take skinny tyres. -
• #3
ok cool! is that £30 with the tyre pictured? its upto her how much she wants to spend so i will get her to come on here and have a look!
thanks for the quick reply...
keep em coming!
• #4
the tyre doesn't fit, its just there because I was too lazy to take it off!
(also its a pile of crap tyre- really old and used) -
• #5
oh haha, ok then, like i said i'll talk to my girlfriend about how much i am allowed to spend! haha
my girlfriend recently picked up a little town bike to use on her commute to work. any way im in the middle of sorting out some bits for it and it desperately needs some new wheels and tyres.
26" single speed, with good road tyres if possible, not bothered on make etc as long as they are straight.
lots to do! hha