So, I've been running that site for a while now but my Google rank is still crap. I'm at rank 52 for "spoke length calculator".
Are there any SEO experts about who could give me tips?
I have done the following to increase my ranking
key meta tag in the header
"spoke length calculator" in h1 tag
posted the link on lots of cycling forums: bikeforum, ctc,
On the downside I have changed the original address to a shorter one and have used a 301 redirect to force the new URL. This seemed to have fucked up my pagerank. I have edited most forum posts to use the new URL and not the old one, but that didn't help very much. Do 301s affect pagerank or will it be carried over to the new URL?
So, I've been running that site for a while now but my Google rank is still crap. I'm at rank 52 for "spoke length calculator".
Are there any SEO experts about who could give me tips?
I have done the following to increase my ranking
On the downside I have changed the original address to a shorter one and have used a 301 redirect to force the new URL. This seemed to have fucked up my pagerank. I have edited most forum posts to use the new URL and not the old one, but that didn't help very much. Do 301s affect pagerank or will it be carried over to the new URL?