I've got a pair of the cheap doubles from on one which were like £20 pair including postage which have been fine so far but you pretty much get what you pay for. The leather's shit quality but at least they haven't slipped yet (touch wood), I guess they're just a bit better than singles. I'd spend the extra and go with the odges. Infact could anyone buy some and post them to me if I paypal them £35? In black if possible. PM me if you can. thanks
I've got a pair of the cheap doubles from on one which were like £20 pair including postage which have been fine so far but you pretty much get what you pay for. The leather's shit quality but at least they haven't slipped yet (touch wood), I guess they're just a bit better than singles. I'd spend the extra and go with the odges. Infact could anyone buy some and post them to me if I paypal them £35? In black if possible. PM me if you can. thanks
Link to the on-one straps:
http://www.on-one-shop.co.uk/acatalog/Clips_and_Straps.html (the £17.11 ones)