Last couple of times I've been in there it's just been Barry trying to run the shop by himself.... on the phone while trying to weld frames, etc.
I think basically Tony Malone's marketing machine got them way more custom than they were big enough for, and now Barry's trying to make a ton of bikes while having to answer idiotic questions about bottom brackets all day from morons like me. Well, he was until I moved. I have other bike shops to pester now.
I'd fuck off to Wales for a break as well, frankly.
Last couple of times I've been in there it's just been Barry trying to run the shop by himself.... on the phone while trying to weld frames, etc.
I think basically Tony Malone's marketing machine got them way more custom than they were big enough for, and now Barry's trying to make a ton of bikes while having to answer idiotic questions about bottom brackets all day from morons like me. Well, he was until I moved. I have other bike shops to pester now.
I'd fuck off to Wales for a break as well, frankly.
This is all speculation by the way.