After a new frame to start building up, nothing too flash, budget isn't massive.
Heard good things about the Dolan Pre-Cursa and then there's the Tifosi Pista CX, which I know little about. These were the only 2 I really found within my budget.
Anyone suggest anything else, or selling anything for that matter, (57-59cm) for around this price, up to £250 ?
After a new frame to start building up, nothing too flash, budget isn't massive.
Heard good things about the Dolan Pre-Cursa and then there's the Tifosi Pista CX, which I know little about. These were the only 2 I really found within my budget.
Anyone suggest anything else, or selling anything for that matter, (57-59cm) for around this price, up to £250 ?
Cheers in advance.