i fell off my bike (handlebar hit a railing), rolled around in the road a bit, looked up to see a car heading towards me, quickly moved out the way, my ankle got run over (by a mini).
i got back up untwisted my handlebars, looked at my leg, gave it a quick rub and carried on going. lucky it was a mini, i think the bus behind it would have caused alot more damage.
i went for an x-ray the next day and they said it wasn't broken but told me i had something inbedded in my foot. turns out i have a piece of glass in my foot from when i was a nipper.
its still there as they said they might cause more damage if they try to remove it.
i fell off my bike (handlebar hit a railing), rolled around in the road a bit, looked up to see a car heading towards me, quickly moved out the way, my ankle got run over (by a mini).
i got back up untwisted my handlebars, looked at my leg, gave it a quick rub and carried on going. lucky it was a mini, i think the bus behind it would have caused alot more damage.
i went for an x-ray the next day and they said it wasn't broken but told me i had something inbedded in my foot. turns out i have a piece of glass in my foot from when i was a nipper.
its still there as they said they might cause more damage if they try to remove it.