Funny this, I get 'This image is no longer available' when I try to go further along the street to see how this facility ends. The problem here is the pinch point that arises from the right turn stub lane that exists here. That cyclists are directed onto the footway here also indicates that there have probably been quite a few collisions. Note also the narrow westbound lane. Carriageway space is allocated very badly. A poor piece of engineering.
The 'facility' ends here Oliver ...,+Greenwich,+London+SE3,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.522936,-0.053627&sspn=0.006195,0.013733&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FRKEEQMdcHIAAA&split=0&ll=51.479111,0.024033&spn=0.012402,0.027466&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=51.479242,0.023986&panoid=n_5JOzBh-n1VAmwet0k5bA&cbp=12,61.804687499999794,,2,3.820312499999998